Latest Offers

Up to $500 Land Pride attachment credit offer
When a new Kubota BX or B Series tractor is purchased during the promotional period $250 Land Pride attachments credit is available if attachments are purchased at the time of purchasing the tractor.*
When a new Kubota L, MX or M Series tractor is purchased during the promotional period $500 Land Pride attachments credit is available if attachments are purchased at the time of purchasing the tractor.^
*BX & B Series offer: Receive $250 credit towards the purchase of Land Pride performance matched attachments for your new BX or B series tractor. Credit must be used at the time of purchasing the tractor. Choose from slashers, Seeders, Landscape Rakes, Rear Blades, Grading Scrapers, Box Scrapers, Quick Hitches, Mouldboard Ploughs, Post Hole Diggers, Disc Harrows, and Seed Bed Rollers. Offer expires 31/07/23 or while stock lasts.
^L, MX & M Series offer: Receive $500 credit towards the purchase of Land Pride performance matched attachments for your new Kubota L, MX or M Series tractor. Credit must be used at the time of purchasing the tractor. Choose from slashers, Seeders, Landscape Rakes, Rear Blades, Grading Scrapers, Box Scrapers, Quick Hitches, Mouldboard Ploughs, Post Hole Diggers, Disc Harrows, and Seed Bed Rollers. Offer expires 31/07/23 or while stock lasts.